Wandering: Art in Detroit

There is so much to explore in the mecca of modernism!

Art deco art at the Fisher Theater.

Architectural art.

Urban mural art.


Elizabeth Downie said...

Oh! I want more! I love these. I'm in love with all there is to see in Detroit. (Can I be in love with that?) You need to move back here for the plethra of things that need to be photographed! These are really great.

Stephanie said...

You forgot to mention "the art of getting approached by weirdo ladies who want to chat." Because only you have that mastered!!! :) xo

Sara said...

There are endless artistic things to photograph in Detroit!

And yes, I've turned strangers wanting to talk to me into a career! haha :)

Mark Terry said...

I used to go down at lunch to the Fisher Building all the time. Really a beautiful building.