I guess I must be having fun

Dare 168 - I started this layout a couple weeks ago. Finished tonight. Matt, key in hand, was opening our front door for the first time. That's the bright blue we painted a wall in the living room, inspired by Eames. I botched the lyrics on this, but that's because I botch lyrics all the time. But either way, this ran through my head on repeat for weeks.

I played around with some india ink I picked up at an estate sale down the sidewalk. The owners were moving and had many unopened art supplies in the basement, to my delight.

Dare 170 - Photo taken last Thursday after a very busy week. I started the layout tonight. Finished it tonight. Very simple feels good. I added some journaling on the back of the layout because as I've been looking at old pictures lately, I wish people would have written more on the backs of the photos.

It's starting to come back. The creative craftiness. I started a hat this week. I added some new fall journals to ye ole' etsy shop. I may have a couple more projects up my sleeve. We will see.


Elizabeth Downie said...

Very cute! I'm glad your creative juices are flowing. Sorry I never linked to that post of yours - I still want to though. So we'll see where I can fit it in. I just love your blog and want to share it with everyone! :)

Stephanie said...

Aw, I love when REM makes its way into your crafty :)

Anonymous said...

It always fees so good to journal again after a break :)