I'm participating in a swap over at The Dares, and the other week a lovely green envelope arrived from Alaska filled with TTV and Polaroid transparencies, stickers, and cards made from Tina's amazing photos. I'm a big fan. You'll love her photographs and layouts. The other pages will be posted over at The Dares website in the next week or two, so check that out. Totally an honor to participate.

The first page that came to me was a little meditation on why I think people bother to scrapbook. Bits of love, pressed down in photos, colors and words that send a message to the future that you were here and you paid attention to the details. I've said it before...I feel like I'm creating a visual love letter every time I scrapbook about my friends or family.
I wanted to keep using her photographs so I kept going with a second page. A little poem about my day spilled onto the page.
I do miss art journaling and have been thinking about it more lately. Somewhere in our move, my art journal disappeared, probably into a box that's still in the basement waiting to be unpacked. Now that the skies are grey and we're forced indoors more than I'd wish, it's time to find it again. These pages will surely make their way in. 

Have you art journaled or scrapbooked lately? Or done something else creative with photographs, colors or words. Leave me a link in the comments if you have. I'd love to see what you've been up to.

1 comment:

Elizabeth Downie said...

I LOVE those pages! You inspire me. I haven't scrapbooked in forever. But I have a goal this month to sort through all my drawers and shelves and organize my scrap book stuff and my pictures. Maybe over the Christmas break I'll make some pages. :) If I do, I'll post them!